The alcohol-induced mobilization of hepatic retinoid stores can occur independent of CRBP1, but CRBP1-dependent uptake of extrahepatic retinol is tissue specific. Extrahepatic tissue retinol levels were measured in control and alcohol-fed WT (n = 3–6) and Crbp1−/− (n = 6–7) mice. The alcohol-induced increase in tissue retinol levels was blocked in the (A) lung, (C) kidney, and (E) spleen of Crbp1−/− mice, but was retained in (B) WAT and (D) BAT. F) Tissue expression levels of Crbp1 and Crbp3 measured in the lung, kidney, spleen, WAT, and BAT of WT mice ( n = 5-6; reference gene, 18s). *P < 0.05 vs. animals of the same genotype; #P < 0.05 vs. animals consuming the same diet; 2-way ANOVA.