Figure 1.
Heritability of DNA methylation levels in Mexican Americans. (A) Histogram of heritability (h2r) estimates for all CpG sites. Subgroups of CpG sites based on statistical significance and their corresponding median estimates of heritability are shown. (B) Median heritability based on the presence of DNA sequence variants within the probes targeting CpG sites. (C) Distribution of heritability of DNA methylation based on the gene context of the CpG site. Box plots show the distribution of heritability estimates based on gene region. Number above each box shows the median heritability value. UTR, untranslated region; TSS, transcription start site. (D) Distribution of DNA methylation heritability in the context of CpG islands. The box plots show distribution of heritability of CpG sites within each category of CpG island location. Number above each box shows the median heritability value. (E) Variability of heritability explained by genomic features. The results were obtained using multivariable analysis of variance.