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. 2015 Jun 30;24(18):5313–5325. doi: 10.1093/hmg/ddv250

Table 1.

Summary of clinical data

Patient gender Mutation Motor development Cognition and speech Seizures OFC Behaviour Eye movements
UW168-3 F TUBA1A c.645G>A (p.R214H) 4yr 3m sitting, not crawling Few single words at 4yr 3m ‘Startle sz’ and ‘absence sz’ <−2.5 SD NA Roving eye movements
UW167-3 F TUBA1A c.655A>G (p.I219V) 10yr walks with assistance, ataxia No speech IS, recurrence of sz 4yr 0 SD NA Wandering gaze, nystagmoid movements; greatly improved (11yr)
UW169-3 F TUBB2B c.38G>C (p.G13A) NA NA No (11yr) −4 SD Asperger's, ADHD, temper tantrums Strabismus
UW169-4 F TUBB2B c.38G>C (p.G13A) NA NA No (5yr) −4 SD ADHD symptoms, temper tantrums Strabismus
UW164-3 M TUBB3 c.1070C>T (p.P357L) Sitting 14m, walking 28m, no pincer grasp 5yr First word 14m IQ ‘low end of normal’, dysarthric 5yr Partial complex +3 SD ADHD-like OMA, strabismus
UW165-3 F TUBB3 c.1070C>T (p.P357L) Hypotonia, sitting 10m, walking 26m First words 18m, normal speech 2yr 6m No 0 SD Normal OMA, abnormal saccades
UW170-3 M TUBB3 c.862G>A (p.E288K) Hypotonia, sitting if placed in position at 13m No words 14m No −2 SD NA Mild OMA, strabismus
UW161-3 F Not tested Sitting 12m, walking 34m NA No (9yr) +2 SD Temper tantrums OMA
UW166-3 F No 28m: drools, rolls front to back No words 28m sz partially responsive to AED (28m) −3.2 SD Normal Abnormal saccades disconjugate gaze
UW146-3 M No Sitting 10m, walking 26m 10 words and 10 signs 2yr 2m No +0.5 SD Temper tantrums (2yr) Nystagmus, bilateral ptosis, strabismus

ADHD, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder; OMA, oculomotor apraxia; IS, infantile spasms; yr, year(s); m, month(s); NA, not assessed; SD, standard deviation; sz, seizures.