Effects of DCB230 and MI/R injury on LV diastolic function and ejection fraction (EF%). A: prior inhalational exposure to DCB230 significantly increased the end-diastolic pressure-volume relationship (EDPVR) in sham and MI/R 1d rats; however, this effect dissipated by the MI/R 7d time point. B: no significant changes to the isovolumetric relaxation constant, Tau, were caused by either DCB230 exposure or MI/R injury. C: Prior inhalational exposure to DCB230 had no effect on LV EF%. Additionally, no significant change in EF% was elicited by MI/R 1d injury, although EF% significantly declined in both exposure groups by the MI/R 7d time point. Lower case letters indicated the following: a, P < 0.05 vs. vehicle-exposed sham; c, P < 0.05 vs. exposure-matched MI/R 1d.