Backcross experiments in mice to determine genetic linkage between TNF resistance (left) and TNFR1 liver protein levels (right). QTL mapping of lethal response (
n = 178) was based on the data previously obtained and discussed by Staelens
et al (
2002), but the data were re-analysed in the current study using R/qtl software. TNFR1 protein level in the liver of N2 mice (
n = 214). For both TNF resistance and TNFR1 levels, the LOD scores show a QTL on chr2 (TNF resistance 15 cM, LOD
= 2.25 and TNFR1 levels 5 cM, LOD
= 1.31) and chr6 (TNF resistance 46 cM, LOD
= 3.11 and TNFR1 levels 70 cM, LOD
= 4.15). Horizontal lines in the figures represent LOD values that are suggestive (dots), significant (stripes) and highly significant (full line).