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. 2015 Aug 28;14:332. doi: 10.1186/s12936-015-0836-7

Fig. 6.

Fig. 6

Proportions of mosquitoes fed, and dead depending on the holed surface area on three mosquito species in relation to data in literature. The first column of panels a, b is for An. gambiae KISUMU strain, the second column of panels c, d is for An. gambiae collected in Akron, and the third column of panels e, f is for Cx. quinquefasciatus collected in Cotonou. The first row of panels a, c, e shows the proportion fed, the second row of panels b, d, f shows the proportion dead. Symbols show mean values with grey squares representing intact LLINs; cyan squares LLINs with holes of 3 cm2; magenta squares LLINs with holes of 30 cm2; yellow squares LLINs with holes of 300 cm2; black circles intact untreated nets; red circles untreated nets with holes of 3 cm2; lime green circles untreated nets with holes of 30 cm2; dark blue circles untreated nets with holes of 300 cm2. Grey circles represent the results from huts without nets. Vertical lines show 95 % confidence intervals, and grey lines show the fitted relationships from logistic regressions with net type, mosquito species and holed surface area as explanatory variables. Larger symbols with black outlines represent data from literature with fill colour grey from Tungu and colleagues [27], fill colour yellow from N’Guessan and colleagues [29], fill colour cyan from Koudou and colleagues [60], fill colour orange from Ngufor and colleagues [36], fill colour pink from Asidi and colleagues [37], and fill colour dark blue from Irish and colleagues [35].