Figure 2. Mutational Analysis Corroborates a C2:Kinase Domain Interface.
(A) Crystal structure of PKCβII (PDBID:3PFQ) showing predicted ion pairs between the kinase domain (cyan) or the C-terminal tail (gray) and the C2 domain (yellow).
(B–D) Normalized FRET ratio changes (mean ± SEM) representing PDBu- (200 nM) induced PKC translocation in COS7 cells co-expressing YFP-tagged PKCβII WT or mutants and plasma membrane-targeted CFP.
(E) FRET-ratio changes (mean ± SEM) representing thapsigargin- (5μM) followed by PDBu- (200 nM) induced PKC translocation in COS7 cells co-expressing YFP-tagged PKCβII WT or mutant and plasma membrane-targeted CFP.
See also Figure S1.