Control animals (Con) received vehicle treatment, and animals exposed to CMS received a single administration of vehicle (Veh), Yueju (YJ) or ketamine (Ket). (A) Sucrose preference test at 2 hours, 2 days and 6 days after drug administration, respectively. ANOVA, 2 hours, F(4,39) = 16.387, p < 0.01; 2 days, F(3,31) = 55.55, p < 0.01; 6 days, F(3,37) = 50.78, p < 0.01. (B,C) Body weight changes at 2 days and 6 days post drug administration. ANOVA with repeated measurement, 2 days, Time: F(1,31) = 33.890, p = 0.000, Group: F(3,31) = 29.337, p = 0.000, Time*Group: F(3,31) = 0.422, p = 0.739; 6 days, Time: F(1,34) = 72.432, p = 0.000, Group: F(3,34) = 45.658. p = 0.000, Time*Group: F(3,34) = 29.912, p = 0.000. (D) The immobility time in the TST at 1 day and 5 days post drug administration. ANOVA, 1 day, F(3,31) = 18.227, p < 0.01; 5 days, F(3,37) = 35.09, p < 0.01. (E) The immobility time in the FST 1 day and 5 days after drug administration. ANOVA, 1 day, F(3,31) = 24.995, p < 0.01; 5 days, F(3,37) = 21.49, p < 0.01. (F) Latency to feed during the NSF test at 2 days and 6 days post drug administration. ANOVA, 2 days, F(3,31) = 41.395, p < 0.01; 6 days, F(3,37) = 25.13, p < 0.01, and (G) Total amount of food consumed during the NSF test at 2 days and 6 days post drug administration. ANOVA, 2 days, F(3,31) = 31.341, p < 0.01; 6 days, F(3,37) = 16.476, p < 0.01. **p < 0.01, compared with control group; ##p < 0.01, compared with vehicle group; $$p < 0.01, compared with ketamine group; ^^p < 0.01, compared with pre-drug treatment level. n = 7−10.