Figure 3. Comparison of images and radiation doses between the interferometer and a digital mammography scanner.
A standard mammographic accreditation phantom was studied. (a) The digital mammography scanner marginally detected the smallest filament (box 6) and mass (box 16) in the phantom but not the smallest calcification specks (box 11). Scale bar is 2.0 cm. (b) A montage of images from the PFI at 78% dose level of the mammography scanner. All features are visible. Grayscale unit is radians. (c) Magnified phase contrast views of the smallest features show additional details and defects indicated by arrows. (d) At 26% dose level the smallest calcification and mass features are visible with the interferometer. (e) The smallest filament seen at 8.1% the dose level. (f) Signal profiles across the smallest filament averaged over its length. The red and blue traces are from the interferometer at 78% and 8.1% of the clinical dose level, respectively. The green trace is from the image of the mammography scanner.