Immunofluorescence staining of representative BCAs from 18 week Western diet fed
Apoe−/− mice. Results show that
differentiated SMCs present at the time of tamoxifen injection (YFP+)
subsequently give rise to multiple phenotypes including: (a,
b) phenotypically modulated SMCs
(YFP+ACTA2− cells highlighted in white
rectangle), (c) Mϕ-like SMCs
(d) mesenchymal stem cell-like SMCs
(YFP+ACTA2−SCA1+), and
(e) MF-like cells
(YFP+ACTA2+PDGFβR+). Scale bar
represents 50μm (a) and 10μm
(b-e). (c-e) Yellow
arrows indicate de-differentiated (YFP+/ACTA2−)
SMCs, white arrows indicate differentiated (YFP+/ACTA2+)
SMCs. Samples were either fixed and embedded in paraffin
(a-c, e) or Neg40 (d).
(f) Flow cytometry of single cell suspension from 18 Week WD
fed SMC eYFP+/+
Apoe−/− mouse aortas to further assess
phenotypically modulated SMC populations. The gating strategy included: forward
versus side scatter gate; a singlets gate; and YFP+ cell gate. Sub-populations
of YFP+ cells were found to be double positive for ITGAM (CD11b) and F4/80,
ITGAM (CD11b) and ITGAX (CD11c), LGALS3 (mac2), and double positive for SCA1 and
ENG after going through lin− gating, n = 6