Figure 2. Phenotypically modulated Mϕ-like SMCs take on some functional characteristics of Mϕs, but MSC-like SMCs show impaired growth and are not multi-potential.
(a) Immuno-TEM of BCAs from 18 week Western diet SMC eYFP+/+ Apoe−/− mice using a 10 nm gold bead conjugated secondary antibody revealed lipid laden YFP+ cells engulfing neighboring cells. Yellow arrows indicate immuno-gold beads. Scale bars (from left to right): 2 μm, 0.5 μm, 0.2 μm. (b) Isolated YFP+ and YFP− MSCs (SCA1+ENG+) in mesenchymal stem cell media 10 days post plating, green is native YFP signal. (c) YFP+ and YFP− MSCs (SCA1+ENG+) after adipogeneisis differentiation based on adipocyte marker FABP4 staining. Scale bar = 200 μm. (d) quantification of adipogenesis from five fields of view per group. Error bars = S.D. * P < 0.05 by Student's t-test.