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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2015 Aug 28.
Published in final edited form as: Cancer. 2013 Jul 31;119(20):3710–3717. doi: 10.1002/cncr.28262


Characteristics of Survivors of Adult Cancers in the United States (n = 1770)

Variable Level No. Weighted % 95% CI
Age at last cancer diagnosis, y <39 335 19.5 17.2–22.0
40–64 883 50.5 47.6–53.4
≥65 552 29.9 27.4–32.6
Sex Male 664 42.1 39.4–44.9
Female 1106 57.9 55.1–60.6
Race/ethnicity Non-Hispanic white 1297 83.0 81.2–84.6
Non-Hispanic black 241 8.3 7.1–9.6
Hispanic 164 6.0 5.0–7.1
Other 68 2.8 2.1–3.8
Marital status Married/living as married 858 63.5 60.9–65.9
Never married/widowed/divorced/separated 911 36.5 34.1–39
Data missing 1 0 0–0.3
Education <High school 296 13.5 11.8–15.5
High school/GED 484 28.7 26.2–31.3
Some college+ 980 57.3 54.5–60.1
Data missing 10 0.4 0.2–0.9
Current household income (% of federal poverty level)a 100% 217 8.0 6.8–9.5
100–199% 326 16.3 14.4–18.4
200–399% 466 28.0 25.5–30.8
≥400% 512 33.2 30.6–35.9
Data missing 249 14.4 12.6–16.5
Insurance paid for all or part of cancer treatment Yes 1365 77.8 75.4–80.0
No 145 7.0 5.8–8.4
Unknown/data missing 260 15.2 13.2–17.4
Region Northeast 299 18.4 16.0–21.0
Midwest 436 25.4 23–27.9
South 637 35.7 32.9–38.6
West 398 20.5 18.2–23.1
Most recent cancer site Female breast 398 19.9 17.8–22.2
Prostate 260 15.5 13.8–17.4
Melanoma 147 10.1 8.6–11.8
Colorectal 142 7.6 6.3–9.2
Hematologic 99 6.1 4.9–7.7
Short-survival cancersb 102 5.6 4.6–7.0
All other 539 30.5 28.2–32.8
Unknown 83 4.6 3.6–5.9
Recurrence/ multiple cancers Yes 309 18.2 16.4–20.2
No 1461 81.8 79.8–83.6
Recent treatment (past 12 mo) Yes 262 14.6 12.8, 16.7
No 1362 76.8 74.3–79.0
Data missing 146 8.6 7.1–10.3
Y since most recent diagnosis <2 341 19.0 17.0–21.2
2–5 473 28.6 26.1–31.2
6–9 270 15.1 13.0–17.5
≥10 686 37.3 34.7–40
Surgery Yes 1111 62.6 59.7–65.4
No 489 27.3 24.9–29.9
Data missing 170 10.1 8.5–11.9
Chemotherapy Yes 411 23.0 20.9–25.3
No 1189 66.9 64.3–69.5
Data missing 170 10.1 8.5–11.9
Radiation Yes 445 24.6 22.3–27.1
No 1155 65.3 62.7–67.8
Data missing 170 10.1 8.5–11.9
Noncancer comorbidities 0 394 23.9 21.8–26.1
1 479 27.2 24.7–29.7
≥2 881 48.0 45.3–50.8
Data missing 16 0.9 0.5–1.7
Cancer-related financial problems Yes 574 31.8 29.3–34.5
No 1024 57.9 55.1–60.7
Data missing 172 10.2 8.7–12.1

Abbreviations: 95% CI, 95% confidence interval; GED, General Educational Development test; Y, years.


Current household income (percentage of the federal poverty level) was calculated by comparing reported household income with the 2010 federal poverty level (eg, $22,050 for a family of 4).21


Short-survival cancers included cancers with a relatively short survival time (esophagus, liver, lung, pancreas, and stomach).17

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