A Immunofluorescence performed in differentiated C2C12 treated with siRNAs at different times as indicated on top of each panel. Terminal differentiation was monitored by using Actn3 (green), and nuclei were visualized by DAPI. Scale bar, 50 μm.
B Quantification of fusion index calculated as percentage of nuclei within Actn3-expressing myotubes.
C Representative immunofluorescence images of siRNA-treated C2C12 cells stained for myogenin and Actn3 at 6 h and 48 h from DM incubation, following overexpression of Myog or control cDNA, as described in the top scheme. Scale bar, 50 μm.
D–G Quantification of myogenin nuclear staining, as percentage of myogenin-positive nuclei/total nuclei in randomly selected fields, in siBrm, siBrg1, or siScr C2C12 cells overexpressing a control cDNA (D) or myogenin vector (F). Fusion index was calculated by immunofluorescence staining, as percentage of nuclei within Actn3-expressing myotubes, in siBrm, siBrg1, or siScr C2C12 cDNA cells overexpressing a control cDNA (E) or myogenin vector (G).