A Schematic representation of the experimental setting, showing the time of notexin-mediated muscle injury and tissue analysis (n = 4).
B Regeneration of tibialis anterior (TA) muscles from wild-type (WT) and Brm null (Brm−/−) 2.5-month-old mice was evaluated by morphological criteria (hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) staining), the presence of regenerating myofibers (laminin/embryonic MyHC) and the presence of inflammatory infiltration (laminin/CD45) 7 days after notexin injury. Scale bar, 50 μm.
C, D Analysis of cross-sectional area (CSA) of muscles represented as mean of CSA in WT and Brm−/− mice uninjured or post-injury.
E Quantification of % of area occupied by CD45-positive cells in randomly selected fields.
F Quantification of MyHC-positive fibers in randomly selected fields.
G, H In addition to notexin injury, as indicated in (A), WT and Brm−/− mice (2.5 months old) received intraperitoneal injection of EdU. Immunohistochemistry for Pax7, laminin and EdU were performed in sections from TA muscles to detect proliferating satellite cells (Pax7/EdU double-positive cells within laminin-positive fibers), and its relative quantification. Scale bar, 50 μm.