Forces measured between muscovite mica surfaces in TMACl–DMSO–water mixtures (at 20 mM TMACl concentration) at 22 °C and pH 6.0 ± 0.2 presented on a semilog plot. Force runs at 10 mol%, 15 mol%, and 20 mol% DMSO overlapped and are displayed with the gray bar. Corresponding mica surface potentials, ψ, and charge densities, σ, for 0 mol%, 5 mol%, and 10–20 mol% DMSO are ψ = 110 mV (σ = 1 e−/2.3 nm2), 80 mV (1 e−/4.2 nm2), and 85 mV (1 e−/3.8 nm2), respectively.