Figure 3.
Genome-wide scans of combined (BXD24b × CAST) N2 + F2 mice. (A) Total CCT. Significant loci were observed on Chr 3 and 11; suggestive loci were observed on Chr 12, 13, 14, 17 and 19. (B) Epithelial thickness. A significant locus was observed on Chr 3; suggestive loci were observed on Chr 1, 6, 9, 10, and 15. (C) Stromal thickness. A significant locus was observed on Chr 11; suggestive loci were observed on Chr 5, 12, 14, 17, and 19. Significance thresholds are as follows: solid line, P = 0.01; dashed-dotted, P = 0.05 (significant); dotted, P = 0.1; dashed, P = 0.63 (suggestive). LOD, logarithm of odds.