Figure 1.
Analysis of CES2 expression in pancreatic cancer cell lines and tissues. A) Protein expression level of CES2 in pancreatic cancer cell lines based on normalized MS2 spectral counts (MS2#). Pancreatic cancer cell lines in which CES2 was identified with two or more different peptides by MS analysis in total cell lysate (TCL), media, or cell surface (CES2-positive) are listed. All colon, breast, and SCLC cell lines were CES2 negative. Only one out of 45 NSCLC (H2405) and one out of eight ovarian cancer cell lines (Skov3) were positive for CES2 by MS analysis. B-C) Western blot analysis of CES2 expression in pancreatic cancer cell lines (B) and patient-derived xenograft (PDX) tumors (C). β-actin served as a loading control. D) CES2 mRNA expression levels in normal pancreas (n = 4), pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC, n = 112), normal lung (n = 58), lung adenocarcinoma (LuAd, n = 423), normal breast (n = 108), and breast cancer (n = 610) tissues based on The Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) RNA-seq data. Boxes indicate 25th and 75th percentiles, and horizontal lines inside the boxes indicate median. Bars indicate 10th and 90th percentiles. Data have normal tissue median value subtracted. P values were calculated by two-sided unpaired t test: normal pancreas vs PDAC P < .001, vs normal lung P = .58, vs normal breast P = .79; normal lung vs LuAd P < .001, vs PDAC P < .001; normal breast vs breast cancer P < .001, vs PDAC P < .001. E) Immunohistochemical analysis, using tissue microarray, of CES2 expression in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC). Representative micrographs showing strong cytoplasmic staining for CES2 in moderately differentiated PDAC and negative CES2 staining in nontumoral pancreatic tissue (upper panel). Percentages of analyzed PDAC and paired nontumoral pancreatic tissues segregated according to CES2 expression levels. High CES2: strong staining (score 3) in 10% or more cells (bottom panel). Intermediate CES2: moderate staining (score 2) in 10% or more cells. Low CES2: negative or weak staining. Fisher’s exact test was applied to calculate two-tailed P value. LuAd = lung adenocarcinoma; PDAC = pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma; PDX = patient-derived xenograft.