FIG. 9. Order parameters of PC chains in UA Aβ42/lipid/water/ion complexes.
Order parameters (S) of sn-1 (black) and sn-2 (blue) chains of a representative replicate I-rep-0-0 as a function of chain carbon number in the upper (A) and lower (B) monolayers. Both the annular (AL) (filled circle) and non-annular (nAL) (open circle) lipids are shown. The means and standard errors (error bars) over the last 50 ns of the simulation are shown. Order parameter difference (ΔS = S of AL – S of nAL) of the sn-1 (C) and the sn-2 (D) chains in the upper (black open circle) and lower (black filled circle) monolayers of I (avg) complex and that in the open (red open circle) of II (avg) complex are shown. The calculations were over the last 50 ns of the simulations with the mean and standard errors obtained from the 8 independent replicates of I or II complex.