The advantages of high-resolution diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) have been demonstrated in a recent post-mortem human brain study (Miller et al., NeuroImage 2011;57(1):167–181), showing that white matter fiber tracts can be much more accurately detected in data at submillimeter isotropic resolution. To our knowledge, in vivo human brain DTI at submillimeter isotropic resolution has not been routinely achieved yet because of the difficulty in simultaneously achieving high resolution and high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in DTI scans. Here we report a 3D multi-slab interleaved EPI acquisition integrated with multiplexed sensitivity encoded (MUSE) reconstruction, to achieve high-quality, high-SNR and submillimeter isotropic resolution (0.85 × 0.85 × 0.85 mm3) in vivo human brain DTI on a 3 Tesla clinical MRI scanner. In agreement with the previously reported post-mortem human brain DTI study, our in vivo data show that the structural connectivity networks of human brains can be mapped more accurately and completely with high-resolution DTI as compared with conventional DTI (e.g., 2 × 2 × 2 mm3).
The advantages of high-resolution diffusion tensor imaging have been clearly demonstrated in a recent imaging study, which achieved 0.73 × 0.73 × 0.73 mm3 resolution at 3 Tesla, of post-mortem human brain (Miller et al., 2011). This study shows that white matter fiber tracts, including curved and crossing pathways, can be much more accurately detected in data at submillimeter isotropic resolution, as compared with conventional DTI data (e.g., 2 × 2 × 2 mm3) (Miller et al., 2011).
In addition to post-mortem human brain imaging, in vivo human brain DTI at high in-plane resolution (e.g., 0.5 × 0.5 × 6 mm3) has also been achieved in studies using a number of 2D acquisitions, including interleaved echo-planar imaging (EPI) (Bammer, 2003; Chen et al., 2013; Jeong et al., 2013; Miller and Pauly, 2003; Van et al., 2009), interleaved spiral imaging (Butts et al., 1997; Li et al., 2005; Liu et al., 2004; Truong and Guidon, 2013), readout segmented EPI (Porter and Heidemann, 2009), short-axis PROPELLER EPI (Skare et al., 2006), and PROPELLER fast spin-echo pulse sequences (Pipe et al., 2002). However, because of the limited signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and difficulty in effectively suppressing fat signals for thin slices (e.g., < 1.5 mm), it is challenging to achieve submillimeter isotropic resolution with 2D DTI protocols. These limitations have been partially addressed in a recently developed 3D multi-slab parallel EPI based DTI technique, making it possible to acquire human brain DTI data at 1.3 × 1.3 × 1.3 mm3 resolution (Engstrom and Skare, 2013). However, due to the undesirable noise amplification associated with parallel EPI reconstruction, it remains challenging to simultaneously achieve both high SNR and high resolution using existing 3D parallel EPI based DTI protocols. To our knowledge, in vivo human brain DTI at submillimeter isotropic resolution has not yet been routinely achieved.
In this paper we report that, through integrating 3D multi-slab interleaved EPI acquisition and multiplexed sensitivity encoded (MUSE) reconstruction (Chen et al., 2013), in vivo human brain DTI of high quality, high SNR and submillimeter isotropic resolution (specifically: 0.85 × 0.85 × 0.85 mm3) can be achieved on a 3 Tesla clinical MRI scanner. We show by several examples that the structural connectivity networks of human brains can be mapped more accurately and completely with high-resolution DTI as compared with conventional DTI (e.g., 2 × 2 × 2 mm3).
Figure 1 shows slab-selected 3D interleaved EPI sequence that we used to acquire diffusion-weighted signals (after the first 180° pulse) and 4× accelerated navigator echoes (after the second 180° pulse: without kz encoding). It has been shown previously that this DWI sequence, with phase-encoding gradients applied along the slice-direction for 3D encoding, has higher SNR efficiency than 2D DWI and is well suitable for high-resolution imaging (Engstrom et al., 2014; Engstrom and Skare, 2013; Frank et al., 2010; Frost et al., 2014; Frost et al., 2013; Van et al., 2014).
A well-known challenge in a slab-selected 3D DWI scan is that the signals along the slice-direction may be nonuniformly distorted when the RF excitation pulses are not well calibrated. In our experiments, we simply used an existing spatially-spectrally selective RF pulse that was designed for 2D EPI (i.e., a GE product) in our slab-selected 3D DWI scans without implementing an RF pulse suitable for 3D imaging. For this reason, we needed to 1) discard two thirds of the acquired slab signals (where RF profile distortions were pronounced: Figure 2a), and 2) repeat the scans three times to acquire whole-brain images without any gap (Figure 2b).
DTI data were acquired from four healthy volunteers on a 3 Tesla MRI scanner (MR750, General Electric, Waukesha, WI, USA) equipped with an 8-channel head coil. Scan parameters of our slab-selected 3D 4-shot interleaved EPI pulse sequence included: effective TEs = 59 ms (for image signals) and 115 ms (for navigator echoes), TR = 3000 ms, partial-Fourier factors along the ky direction = 70% (for image signals) and 67% (for navigator echoes), slab thickness = 9.4 mm, FOVz = 10.2 mm, number of kz phase-encoding steps = 12, number of axial slabs = 39, FOVxy = 21.8 cm, matrix size = 256 × 256 × 12 per slab, voxel size = 0.85 × 0.85 × 0.85 mm3, number of diffusion encoding directions = 12 (for subject #1) or 6 (for subjects #2, #3 and #4), and b = 800 s/mm2. The scan time was 32 min for each acquisition. We acquired three sets of data (with slab profiles shifted: as illustrated with Figure 2) from subject #1, and thus the total imaging time was 96 min in a single scan session. Using the scheme shown in Figure 2b, the effective brain coverage along the z direction was 132.6 mm (156 slices) for subject #1. For subjects #2, #3 and #4, we acquired only a single data set (i.e., blue slices in Figure 2b), mainly to compare the SNR in images obtained from different reconstruction methods.
Shot-to-shot phase inconsistencies were measured from accelerated navigator echoes. This information was then used to minimize aliasing artifacts in interleaved EPI data through the MUSE algorithm (Chen et al., 2013), comprising five steps as shown in Figure 3: First, each 3D k-space interleaf and its associated accelerated 2D navigator echo were Fourier transformed along the kx and ky directions (i.e., into x-y-kz space); Second, images free from aliasing artifacts were reconstructed from accelerated navigator signals using the SENSE algorithm (Pruessmann et al., 1999); Third, the phase information obtained from step 2 was spatially smoothed; Fourth, the smoothed phase information (from step 3) and known coil sensitivity profiles were incorporated into a mathematical framework that jointly calculates the unknown source signals from all EPI segments in the x-y-kz space, producing slab-selected data free from aliasing artifacts. Fifth, the slab-selected data obtained from step 4 (in x-y-kz-space) were Fourier transformed along the kz direction, producing 3D images (in x-y-z-space). We then used the scheme shown in Figure 2b to combine signals from three acquisitions, producing a final set of 3D image data (with 156 slices). Afterward, the eddy current and motion correction was performed using the DTIPrep software (http://www.nitrc.org/projects/dtiprep/), and fractional anisotropy (FA) maps were calculated with the FSL software. A deterministic streamline tracking procedure was carried out using TrackVis (http://www.trackvis.org). A maximum curvature was set at 35°/voxel as the only tracking criterion, without applying other threshold or filter.
In addition to the MUSE reconstruction, we also processed the same k-space data with the conventional parallel MRI reconstruction algorithm to produce another set of 3D images for comparison. Specifically, step 4 of the above-described procedure was replaced by the conventional parallel imaging reconstruction, and images reconstructed from each of the EPI segments (in x-y-z plane) with the SENSE algorithm were phase corrected (using the smoothed phase variation maps obtain from step 3 described in the previous paragraph) and averaged in the complex domain. Similar to the MUSE-produced images, the eddy current and motion correction was performed with DTIPrep and FA maps were calculated with FSL.
To assess the dependence of the DTI quality on spatial resolution, a set of lower resolution images (2 × 2 × 2 mm3) was generated by down-sampling the MUSE-produced high-resolution images with a cubic resampling algorithm available from the FreeSurfer software package (https://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu/).
Figure 4a shows x-y-kz space data of a selected slab, before applying the MUSE based artifact correction procedure. It can be seen that the uncorrected data were degraded by significant aliasing artifacts resulting from shot-to-shot phase variations (e.g., indicated by yellow arrows). Figure 4b shows that, after applying the 3D MUSE algorithm, the aliasing artifacts in each x-y-kz plane can be effectively removed. 3D images (in x-y-z space) before and after MUSE based artifact correction are shown in Figures 4c and 4d, respectively.
Figures 5a and 5b compare three selected DWI images (of an axial slice) reconstructed by the SENSE method and our 3D MUSE algorithm, respectively. It can be seen that the undesirable noise amplification associated with the conventional SENSE method can be largely avoided in 3D MUSE produced images. The white-matter SNR (measured by the ratio of “mean of signals” to “standard deviation of noises” within white matter ROIs across four subjects) of 3D MUSE produced images is 45%±7% higher than that of SENSE produced images (see Appendix).
Figures 6, 7, and 8 compare FA maps of high-resolution (left column: 0.85 × 0.85 × 0.85 mm3) and conventional resolution (right column: 2 × 2 × 2 mm3) in axial, coronal and sagittal planes, respectively. It can be seen that, in agreement with the previously reported post-mortem imaging study, white matter fiber tracts can be better detected in high-resolution data. For example, the external and extreme capsules (arrows in Figure 6b) can only be resolved in FA maps of submillimeter resolution, but not in low-resolution FA maps.
Figure 9 shows the fiber tracts of the inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus (IFOF) passing through the external (blue) and extreme (yellow) capsules and the fiber tracts of the uncinate fasciculus (white) using ROI seeds manually chosen from FA maps. These results confirm that spatially adjacent fiber tracts within IFOF, which may not be resolved with conventional DTI protocol, can be more accurately mapped with our high-resolution DTI protocol.
Our study shows that in vivo human brain DTI data of high quality and submillimeter resolution can be achieved with a protocol that integrates slab-selected 3D interleaved EPI acquisition and 3D-MUSE reconstruction. We have previously demonstrated that the MUSE reconstruction algorithm has better matrix inversion conditioning and is less susceptible to undesirable noise amplification, as compared with the SENSE reconstruction. As a result, in comparison to the slab-selected 3D parallel EPI data acquired with the same scan time, DWI images produced by our acquisition and reconstruction approaches have higher SNR in white-matter areas (by 45%±7%: see Appendix).
As shown in recent papers, 2D MUSE was designed to estimate shot-to-shot phase variations directly from interleaved EPI data without relying on navigator echoes (Chang et al., 2014; Chen et al., 2013; Chu et al., 2014). However, for 3D interleaved EPI, navigator signals with zero kz encoding are needed (Figure 1), because the shot-to-shot phase variations cannot be inherently estimated from weak DWI signals at high kz planes. We would like to point out that, unlike most interleaved EPI studies that acquired non-accelerated navigator echoes, in this study we implemented accelerated navigator acquisition so that high-resolution navigator echoes can be acquired at shorter TE. Another advantage of accelerated navigator scan, as compared with non-accelerated navigator scans, is that the associated EPI geometric distortions are more similar to that in interleaved EPI based DWI data, making the phase correction more reliable.
A limitation of our implemented 2D phase correction procedure is that it cannot correct through-slab phase variations, which fortunately can be reduced by choosing a thinner slab thickness. Previous studies have shown that the slab thickness should be smaller than 30mm in DWI scans with 1000 s/mm2 b-value (Engstrom et al., 2014; Engstrom and Skare, 2013; Frost et al., 2013; Van et al., 2014), otherwise the artifacts resulting from through-slab phase variations may not be well suppressed by 2D phase correction. In our study, the slab thickness was set to only 9.4 mm in DWI scans with 800 s/mm2 b-value, and therefore the through-slab phase variations were insignificant. We would like to point out that the slab thickness may need to be further reduced in DWI scans with higher b values (e.g., >1000 s/mm2).
In this study we simply used a product RF pulse, originally designed for 2D EPI, in our 3D DWI scans. As a result, we needed to repeat the scans three times (as illustrated in Figure 2) to acquire whole-brain DWI data without significant through-plane signal non-uniformity. Although this approach is obviously not ideal, we were able to demonstrate, as a proof of concept, the feasibility of acquiring DTI data at submillimeter resolution on a clinical scanner. In order to acquire whole-brain high-resolution DTI data within a more acceptable scan time (e.g., < 30 min), one has to use an appropriate 3D imaging RF pulse (Engstrom et al., 2014; Engstrom and Skare, 2013; Frank et al., 2010; Frost et al., 2014; Frost et al., 2013; Van et al., 2014) or incorporate the recently developed approaches that minimize the through-plane banding artifacts in 3D DTI scans (Van et al., 2014). In addition, the 3D DTI scan time can be reduced by incorporating partial Fourier scans along the kz direction (e.g., acquiring only 7 out of the 12 kz planes), although at the cost of SNR.
In this study, high-resolution DTI data were acquired from cooperative subjects who were able to stay still during scans, and thus we did not have to perform motion correction between the various interleaved shots for each imaging volume. If there is significant subject motion between EPI shots, either a prospective motion correction (Herbst et al., 2014) or a modified MUSE reconstruction procedure (Guhaniyogi et al., 2015) may be used to minimize artifacts resulting from shot-to-shot position changes.
Figures 6 to 8 clearly show that white matter fiber tracts can be much better visualized in high-resolution FA maps, as compared with low-resolution FA maps. Although in some cases the fiber tracking is more accurate in high-resolution DTI data (e.g., in Figure 8 and in (Song et al., 2014)), we would like to point out that the accuracy of fiber tracking depends on many other factors (such as the tracking algorithm; stopping criteria) and the advantages of the enhanced spatial-resolution for fiber tracking remain to be investigated.
As compared with single-shot EPI, interleaved EPI is less susceptible to geometric distortions resulting from eddy currents and susceptibility field gradients, and thus can produce high-resolution DWI data with higher spatial accuracy. We would like to point out that residual geometric distortions in interleaved EPI based DWI data may be further reduced with existing distortion correction techniques (Jezzard et al., 1998; Truong et al., 2011).
In conclusion, here we first demonstrate in vivo whole-brain DTI at submillimeter isotropic resolution on a clinical MRI scanner. The integration of slab-selected 3D interleaved EPI acquisition and 3D MUSE reconstruction makes it possible to simultaneously achieve high-quality, high-SNR and high-resolution DTI. With further protocol optimization (e.g., improved RF pulse design), the high-resolution DTI protocols should prove highly valuable for neuroscience research.
This research was supported by NIH grants R01 NS-074045, R21 EB-018419, R01 NS-075017, and R24 MH-106048.
Appendix: The SNR penalty in SENSE and MUSE reconstruction
As reported by Pruessmann et al., the noise amplification associated with the SENSE reconstruction can be quantified with a geometry-factor (g-factor) map, which mainly depends on coil sensitivity profiles (Pruessmann et al., 1999). Figures A1a to A1d show the 1/(g-factor) maps of SENSE reconstruction corresponding to four different acceleration factors (R=4, 2, 1.33 and 1) for the coil used in our study. The map shown in Figure A1d is also the 1/(g-factor) map of MUSE in the absence of shot-to-shot phase variation, which reconstructs images from full k-space data.
In order to investigate the impact of shot-to-shot phase variations on MUSE reconstruction of 4-shot DWI data, we first performed Monte Carlo simulation to measure g-factor with these inputs: 1) experimentally measured coil sensitivity profiles (derived from human data of subject #1) and 2) mathematically added phase variations (randomly distributed between +π and −π) across 4 shots. Figure A2a shows the Monte Carlo simulation results of 1/(g-factor) for MUSE produced signals in four aliased pixels (Figure A2b) corresponding to 10,000 sets of random phase variations. The means of 1/(g-factor) for four aliased pixels are greater than 0.8 (as indicated by red horizontal lines). Figure A3 shows the sorted 1/(g-factor) values, from high to low, for those 4 pixels shown in Figure A2. It can be seen (as indicated by vertical dotted lines) that 90% of the 1/(g-factor) values are greater than 0.83, 0.75, 0.81, and 0.91 for pixel #1, #2, #3, and #4, respectively. Our simulations shows that, although the SNR penalty in MUSE reconstruction depends on shot-to-shot phase variations, it is overall much less significant than that of 4x SENSE reconstruction (with 1/(g-factor) being 0.50, 0.35, 0.45, and 0.64 for those 4 chosen pixels).
In addition to Monte Carlo simulation, we have also compared the noise levels in SENSE and MUSE images obtained from human scans. Figure A4a shows the 1/(g-factor) map for SENSE reconstruction with an acceleration factor of 4, based on coil sensitivity maps derived from data of subject #1. Figure A4b shows the DWI image obtained from averaging four SENSE produced images (i.e., reconstructed from each of the four EPI segments using SENSE algorithm), and Figure A4c shows the corresponding noise image calculated with |DWI – DWIsmoothed|. Figure A4d shows the g-factor map of four-shot MUSE, with shot-to-shot phase variations measured from 2D navigator echoes. Figure A4e shows the DWI image reconstructed by MUSE, and Figure A4f shows the corresponding noise image.
The SNR values in four ROIs (Figure A5), calculated by the ratio of “mean value of signals” (e.g., in Figure A4e) to “standard deviation of noises” (e.g., in Figure A4f) within each ROI, were then experimentally measured from SENSE and MUSE reconstructed images. The SNR difference between SENSE and MUSE reconstruction, derived from both theoretical prediction (i.e., based on g-factor maps shown in Figures A4a and A4d) and experimental measures (i.e., based on Figures A4b, A4c, A4e, A4f), are shown in Table A1.
Table A1.
ROI# | SNR of SENSE | SNR of MUSE | SNR difference (experimental data) | l/(g-factor) for SENSE | l/(g-factor) for MUSE | SNR difference (theoretical prediction) |
1 | 10.18 | 16.13 | 36.88% | 0.49 | 0.92 | 46% |
2 | 8.81 | 15.29 | 42.39% | 0.42 | 0.90 | 53% |
3 | 6.89 | 11.36 | 39.39% | 0.36 | 0.93 | 61% |
4 | 9.40 | 16.77 | 43.92% | 0.44 | 0.88 | 50% |
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