Figure 3.
Phylogenetic tree of partial 16S rRNA gene sequences belonging to OTUs identified in heavy fractions from 13CO SIP incubations present at a minimum of 25 fold enrichment. OTUs presented are from those incubations that showed an observable shift in density and are hypothesized to represent microbes that oxidized CO. A skeleton tree was constructed from near complete 16S rRNA gene sequences (>1400 bp) via Neighbor-joining with a Jukes-Cantor correction and 10,000 bootstraps. Shorter sequences produced via 454 pyrosequencing obtained in this study were added by parsimony using ARB (in bold). The scale bar represents 0.1 change per nucleotide position. Bootstrap support values greater than 55% for the major nodes are given. The tree was rooted using 7 Proteobacteria 16S rRNA gene sequences.