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. 2013 May 2;1(1):2325967113487316. doi: 10.1177/2325967113487316

Table 2.

Crude Analysis on Different Exposures to Injury: cIRD for Running Injury After 500 km According to Exposure Variables a

Variable of Interest cIRD at 500 km Standard Error 95% CI P Value
 Females (ref) 0
 Males −4.4% 5.5 −15.2%; 6.4% .42
 18-30 y −1.6% 5.5 −12.3%; 9.2% .77
 30-45 y (ref) 0
 45-65 y 14.7% 8.6 −2.1%; 31.5% .08
 χ2 = 0.14b
 <20 kg/m2 −14.1% 9.0 −31.6%; 3.5% .12
 20-25 kg/m2 (ref) 0
 25-30 kg/m2 2.7% 6.6 −10.2%; 15.7% .68
 >30 kg/m2 10.3% 7.1 −3.7%; 24.3% .15
 χ2 = 0.06b
 Type B behavior (ref) 0
 Type A behavior −11.9% 5.9 −23.3%; −0.5% .04
Running experience
 Experienced (ref) 0
 No running experience 6.0% 5.8 −5.4%; 17.3% .30
Sports activity
 No (ref) 0
 Yes, with axial load −0.7% 7.0 −14.3%; 12.8% .92
 Yes, without axial load −2.4% 8.4 −18.9%; 14.2% .78
 χ2 = 0.96b
Previous RRI
 No (ref) 0
 Yes 5.2% 7.2 −8.9%; 19.3% .47
Previous non-RRI
 No (ref) 0
 Yes 11.1% 5.8 −0.2%; 22.4% .05

acIRD, crude cumulative injury risk difference; BMI, body mass index, TASRI, Type A Self-Rating Inventory; CI, confidence interval; ref, reference group.

bProbability calculated based on a Wald test across categories.