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. 2014 Mar 20;2(3):2325967114527901. doi: 10.1177/2325967114527901


Summary of Results From Published Studies Investigating Surgery for Plantar Fasciitisa

Study (Year Published) No. of Cases Surgery Follow-up Patient Outcomes
Snider et al32 (1983) 9 long-distance runners (11 cases) Open Average, 25 mo Excellent in 10 feet and good in 1 foot at an average follow-up time of 25 mo
Schepsis et al28 (1991) 27 cases Open—“complete plantar fascia release performed through a medial longitudinal incision” Range, 1-3 y 89% (24/27) were satisfied
Davies et al9 (1999) 41 patients (45 feet) “Decompression of the nerve to abductor digiti minimi with partial plantar fascia release” Mean, 31 mo (range, 11-66 mo) 75% were mildly painful or better; mean reduction of VAS from 8.5 to 2.5; only 49% (20/41) were totally satisfied with the outcome
Lundeen et al19 (2000) 53 patients (69 feet) EPFR Average, 7.2 mo (range, 4-42 mo) 81% satisfied
Woelffer et al40 (2000) 30 patients (33 feet) Open—“plantar skin incision” 5 y 90% were satisfied
Boyle and Slater5 (2003) 17 patients (17 feet) EPFR 16 mo 100% were satisfied, 82.4% had mild pain or less
Jerosch et al15 (2004) 17 patients EPFR Average, 18.5 mo (range, 4-48 mo) 76% (13/ 17) “improved clinically,” 13 patients had good or excellent results with Ogilvie-Harris score
Bazaz and Ferkel4 (2007) 20 patients (23 feet) EPFR 1 y Significant improvement in average AOFAS Ankle-Hindfoot Scale and Maryland Foot Score

aAOFAS, American Orthopaedic Foot & Ankle Society; EPFR, endoscopic plantar fascia release; VAS, visual analog scale.