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. 2014 Dec 26;3(1):2325967114563664. doi: 10.1177/2325967114563664


Observed and Age-Adjusted Rates of ACL Reconstruction With Use of the US Population in 2000 as the Controla

Outpatient Age, y NSAS 1994 NSAS 1995 NSAS 1996 NSAS 2006 Percentage Change Adjusted Rate (2006 vs 1994)
Observedb Age-Adjusted Observedb Age-Adjusted Observedb Age-Adjusted Observedb Age-Adjusted
0-14 8.55 1.84 17.52 3.76 15.32 3.29 87.8 18.85 924
15-34 346.53 95.02 580.56 159.2 623.29 170.92 1073.2 294.29 210
35-54 121.86 36.24 198.94 59.17 267.93 79.69 476.6 141.76 291
≥55 11.03 2.36 7.64 1.63 37.89 8.09 42.8 9.15 288
Inpatient Age, y NHDS 1990 NHDS 1994 NHDS 1996 NHDS 2006 Percentage Change Adjusted Rate (2006 vs 1994)
Observedb Age-Adjusted Observedb Age-Adjusted Observedb Age-Adjusted Observedb Age-Adjusted
0-14 10.6 2.28 21.76 4.67 12.65 2.72 12.84 2.76 −69
15-34 483.4 132.56 489.79 134.31 341.93 93.76 54.55 14.96 −798
35-54 91.02 27.07 131.17 39.02 91.65 27.26 18.57 5.52 −607
≥55 9.63 2.06 12.78 2.73 21.53 4.59 10.11 2.16 −26

aNHDS, National Hospital Discharge Survey; NSAS, National Survey of Ambulatory Surgery; US, United States.

bRate per 100,000 capita.