Table 1. Statistics of data collection and refinement (molecular replacement).
Values in parentheses are for the highest resolution shell.
PDB code | 4xw3 |
X-ray source | Beamline X10SA, PSI |
Wavelength () | 1.070 |
Space group | P212121 |
Unit-cell parameters (, ) | a = 45.06, b = 76.14, c = 122.66, = = = 90 |
Resolution range () | 502.0 (2.12.0) |
Observed reflections | 367329 (48403) |
Unique reflections | 28891 (3815) |
Multiplicity | 12.7 (12.7) |
I/(I) | 23.6 (6.5) |
Completeness (%) | 98.6 (97.6) |
R meas † (%) | 7.9 (58.6) |
Wilson B factor (2) | 32.7 |
Refinement statistics | |
Resolution () | 47.782.0 |
No. of reflections used in refinement | 27446 |
No. of reflections used for calculation of R free | 1445 |
R work/R free ‡ (%) | 20.0/23.7 |
No. of non-H atoms | |
Total | 3144 |
Protein | 3002 |
Water molecules | 142 |
Average B factors (2) | |
Overall | 28.3 |
Protein (chain A/B) | 28.0/28.0 |
Water molecules | 34.0 |
R.m.s. deviations from ideal geometry | |
Bond lengths () | 0.009 |
Bond angles () | 1.139 |
Ramachandran plot | |
Most favoured regions (%) | 88.1 |
Additional allowed regions (%) | 11.9 |
Generously allowed regions (%) | 0.0 |
Disallowed regions (%) | 0.0 |
meas =
, where I(hkl) is the mean intensity of symmetry-equivalent reflections and N(hkl) is the redundancy.
work =
(working set, no cutoff applied); R
free is the R value calculated for 5% of the data set that was not included in refinement.