Figure 3.
Histone deacetylase (HDAC) inhibitors suppress IRIF formation of BRCA1 and BARD1. (a) U2OS cells treated with DMSO, MS-275, FK228 or UNC0638 were exposed to IR and immunostained with γH2AX and BRCA1. Right panel: Quantification of the cells displaying more than 30 BRCA1 foci. Error bars, SD of two independent experiments, each based on more than 100 cells. Significant differences were calculated compared to DMSO-treated cells: *P = 0.009, **P = 0.015, ***P = 0.011. (b) U2OS cells treated as in (a) were immunostained with γH2AX and BARD1. Error bars, SD of two independent experiments, each based on more than 60 cells. *P = 0.035, **P = 0.003, ***P = 0.001. (c) Low-magnification views. Nuclei are outlined with dashed lines.