Box 1. Questions and scoring instructions.
Scoring instructions - Firstly, always keep in mind the context. It is not possible to predict all outcomes of health research investments, and therefore the priorities should be set within a specific context, to influence a specific policy. Here, the context will be defined by space, time, population of interest. The space will be global, the time will be the next 5–10 years, and the area of interest on setting priorities for developmental disabilities including ID and developmental disabilities (including autism). Possible answers: Yes=1; No=0; Informed but undecided answer: 0.5; Not sufficiently informed: blank
CRITERION 1: ANSWERABILITY - Likelihood that the research question would be answerable and generate new knowledge |
CRITERION 2: FEASIBILITY - Is the research potentially doable in the majority of countries in the world |
CRITERION 3: APPLICABILITY AND IMPACT - Likelihood that the knowledge generated through the proposed research would be implemented and have an impact on policy and practice |
CRITERION 4: SUPPORT WITHIN THE CONTEXT - Likelihood that the proposed research would, in the context of current policy and funding priorities, be likely to attract the necessary funding support. |
CRITERION 5: EQUITY - Likelihood that the proposed research would address underprivileged people, or provide solutions that would benefit people among all social strata equally. |