Figure 5.
TC3.6 administered once the disease has become established reduces inflammation in the spinal cord of TMEV-infected mice. Representative sections of ventral columns of thoracic spinal cord (at day 75 post-infection) of TMEV-infected mice subjected to vehicle or TC3.6 treatment (dose schedule: 5 mg·kg−1 daily for 14 consecutive days). Sections were stained (A) to visualize leukocyte infiltrates ( haematoxylin/eosin); (B) CD4+ T-cells and (C) for microglia by Iba-1 staining. Quantification analysis of cell infiltrates (D), CD4+ T-cells (E), CD8+ T-cells (F) and percentage of area stained by Iba-1 (G; confocal images with constant laser beam). **P < 0.01; *P < 0.05 versus TMEV + vehicle. Scale bars: 50 or 100 μM.