Fig 7. Cellular changes in blood and spleen size in mice after CpG/ CpG-construct treatment.
(A) DC and B cell numbers in blood collected from B16 melanoma-bearing mice treated daily with CpG/ CpG-scrambled RNA/ CpG-siRNA A20 starting on day 4 after tumor cell challenge repeated daily until day 10; blood collected for cellular analyses on day 10. Shown are mean percentage increases of DCs (CD11c+ B220+) and B cells (CD11c- B220+) of 6 mice/group; n.s. indicates not significant, *indicates p<0.05 compared to CpG. (B) Spleens from B16 melanoma bearing mice at the end of experiment. The picture shows one representative spleen per group. (C) Mean spleen weight (in mg).