Effect of Micromonospora ALFpr18c root inoculation on B. cinerea disease development in different tomato cultivars (Solanum lycopersicom L. ‘Moneymaker’ and ‘Castlemart’). Necrosis severity caused by Botrytis was scored using a three levels disease scale: mild, moderate and severe, as shown in Supplementary Figure S2. The number of leaflets within each category is shown. For each tomato cultivar, disease damage level was compared between the control and the bacterial treatments. Control, plants not inoculated with Micromonospora; pr18c 1M and pr18c 1D, plants inoculated with Micromonospora sp. pr18c 1 month or 1 day before challenge with B. cinerea, respectively. Bars not sharing a common letter (lowercase for mild, uppercase for moderate and greek for severe symptoms) are significantly different using Bonferroni corrected Chi-square tests, followed by z-tests (P ≤ 0.05).