Figure 3. Ultrafast time-resolved exciton dynamics of coherently/randomly stacked bilayers.
(a) Top panel: comparison of transient dynamics of interlayer excitons in coherently stacked and randomly stacked bilayers. Both bilayers are pumped by the same laser fluence of 24 μJ cm−2, and measured at the same probe photon energy of 1.6 eV. Bottom panel: intralayer exciton dynamics of MoS2 (blue, 1.87 eV) and WS2 (red, 1.96 eV) measured in the coherently stacked bilayer with the same pump fluence of 24 μJ cm−2. (b) The pump-fluence-dependent maximum ΔT/T0 of the coherently stacked bilayer. (c) Spectrally resolved ΔT/T0 at the direct interlayer exciton state of ∼1.6 eV (the dashed line) is shown. The data are measured at Δt≈0 ps with a pump fluence of 32 μJ cm−2. (d) Schematic illustration of a pump-induced exciton transient as a function of pump–probe delay Δt (from left to right). Immediately after the 3.1-eV pump excitation (left), electrons are rapidly transferred in MoS2 and holes are rapidly transferred in WS2 (middle). Then the interlayer recombination is measured by setting the probe photon energy of 1.6 eV (right).