Fig. 9.
Mutant TDP-43 increases the degradation of NMHC II-B. a The half-life of NMHC II-B after cycloheximide (20 ng/ml) treatment of PC12 cells that were transfected with TDP-43 (M337V). Immunoblots were probed with anti-NMHC II-B for detecting endogenous NMHC II-B, anti-Flag for the transfected TDP-43, and anti-GAPDH for a loading control protein. Arrow indicates NMHC II-B and the band above 90 kDa is a non-specific protein reactive to anti-NMHCII-B. Quantification data of % of 0’ time point are presented in the right panel (n = 3). b Fluorescent images of transfected N2A cells expressing GFP-NMHC II-B (+N30) or (−N30) after cycloheximide treatment. The right panel shows quantitative fluorescent signals of transfected proteins over time and demonstrates that (−N30) isoform is degraded faster than (+N30). Scale bar: 20 μm. c Western blot (the left panel) and quantification analysis (the right panel) of transfected GFP-NMHC II-B (−N30) degradation in the N2A cells that were treated with cycloheximide (20 ng/ml) and MG132 (5 μM) to inhibit the proteasome or BFA (100 μM) to inhibit autophagy