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. 2015 Jun 20;17(9):753–762. doi: 10.1111/hpb.12436

Table 4.

Model of inpatient death for bile duct reconstruction

Unadjusted OR [95% CI] Adjusted OR [95% CI]

 Non-malignant disease Ref

 Biliary injury or trauma 1.429 1.068 1.914 1.757 1.240 2.489

 Malignant disease 2.091 1.719 2.543 2.147 1.703 2.706

Type of Bile duct reconstruction

 Choledochoenterostomy Ref

 Choledochoplasty 0.946 0.727 1.232 0.935 0.667 1.311

 Closure of biliary fistula 0.945 0.663 1.347 1.022 0.666 1.570

 Excision of bile duct 1.002 0.662 1.518 0.804 0.490 1.319

 Revision of biliary anastomosis 3.302 2.183 4.996 3.053 1.890 4.934


 Male 1.293 1.093 1.529 0.908 0.745 1.106

 Female Ref

Payer Type

 Private Insurance Ref

 Public Insurance 3.061 2.474 3.786 1.641 1.224 2.200

 Other Insurance 1.190 0.767 1.846 1.560 0.988 2.463

Age category

 Younger than 40 years Ref

 Age 40–64 years 3.558 1.741 7.272 2.827 1.381 5.786

 Age > 64 years 10.463 5.295 20.673 6.324 3.024 13.224

Elixhauser Score

 0 Ref

 1 1.616 1.063 2.457 0.883 0.576 1.356

 2 2.079 1.402 3.085 0.837 0.556 1.258

 ≥3 3.644 2.512 5.287 0.931 0.623 1.390

Elective status

 Elective Ref

 Non-elective 1.498 1.259 1.781 1.125 0.908 1.394


 Post-operative infection 3.770 3.068 4.633 2.001 1.584 2.528

 Acute renal failure 13.595 11.400 16.211 7.858 6.289 9.819

 Operative bleeding 4.185 3.275 5.347 2.481 1.883 3.270

 GI bleed 6.286 4.526 8.731 3.154 2.123 4.684

DVT/PE 4.778 3.118 7.321 2.270 1.285 4.013

 Acute MI 8.257 5.650 12.066 3.065 1.783 5.268

 Acute liver failure 15.530 11.491 20.989 6.510 4.413 9.604

Concomitant diagnoses

 Cholangitis 1.346 1.043 1.736 1.144 0.837 1.564

 Acute pancreatitis 1.484 1.128 1.954 1.189 0.846 1.672

Hospital teaching status

 Teaching Ref

 Non-teaching 1.201 0.988 1.460 1.273 1.012 1.601

CI, confidence interval; DVT/PE, deep vein thrombosis/pulmonary embolism; GI, gastrointestinal; MI, myocardial infarction; OR, odds ratio.

Other covariates in the model: Elixhauser score, gender, elective status, cholangitis, acute pancreatitis. Bold values represent statistically significant odds ratio.