Fig. 2.
Bayesian Relative Rates test and Likelihood Mapping. a- Bayesian Relative Rates of substitutions. For each horizontal bar, the mean rate (red dot), the credible interval (black) and the range (red) are given. b- Likelihood mapping for stems, loops, RAA partitions before and after Aliscore filtering, combined stems and loops, and combined stems, loops and filtered RAAs. c- Likelihood mapping for selected bipartitions. The mapping was performed for concatenated stems and loops, all partitions, and all partitions with rapidly evolving lineages (long branches) excluded. Abbreviations. Chelicerata: Eu, Euchelicerata; My, Myriapoda; Py, Pycnogonida; Pa, Pancrustacea. Acari: Ac, Acariformes: So, Solifugae; Pa, Parasitiformes; Ou1, outgroup Euchelicerata. Pedipalpi: Ou2, Outgroup Euchelicerata; Ur, Uropygi; Ar, Araneae; Am, Amblypygi. Euacariformes: Tr, Trombidiformes; So, Solifugae; Sa, Sarcoptiformes; En, Endeostigmata. Ha, Halacaridae; An, Caeculidae + Erythracarinae; Pa, Parasitengona; Ou3, all other Acariformes