Figure 3.
ROP10:GFP Is Localized at the Apical PM of Root Hairs and the PM of Outgrowths and Curling in Response to NF Treatment and Rhizobial Infection.
(A) and (B) Subcellular localization of free GFP in root epidermal cells (A) and root hairs (B) of control roots expressing GFP alone.
(C) ROP10:GFP is localized at the PM of root epidermal cells close to the root tip.
(D) ROP10:GFP is localized at the PM of root hair bulges, which produce elongating root hairs by tip growth.
(E) ROP10:GFP is localized at the PM in the apex of elongating root hairs close to the root tip.
(F) ROP10:GFP is localized at the PM throughout the ballooning root hairs.
(G) Following treatment with 1 nM NodSm-IV(C16:2, S) for 24 h, ROP10:GFP is localized at the PM of outgrowths (arrowheads) of a swollen root hair.
(H) ROP10:GFP is localized at the PM of outgrowths (arrowheads) of a swollen root hair 7 d after inoculation with S. meliloti.
(I) ROP10:GFP is visible in the curling (green) of the root hair 5 d after inoculation with mCherry-expressing S. meliloti (red; arrowhead).
Bars = 100 μm.