Figure 11.
Colocalization of VSR2;1 and Aleurain Is Not Significantly Affected in nhx5 nhx6 Cells.
(A) to (H) Isolated mesophyll protoplasts of the wild type ([A] to [D]) and nhx5 nhx6 ([E] to [H]) coexpressing VSR2;1-GFP ([A] and [E]) and Aleu-mRFP ([B] and [F]). Merged images of VSR2;1-GFP and Aleu-mRFP are shown in (C) and (G). (D) and (H) show differential interference contrast images of the wild type and nhx5 nhx6, respectively. Arrowheads indicate diffuse aleurain signal that does not colocalize with VSR2;1. Arrows indicate endosomes in which both fluorescent signals colocalize. Bar = 5 μm.
(I) Quantification of colocalization between VSR2;1-GFP and Aleu-mRFP in entire protoplasts (n = 22 protoplasts). Errors bars indicate sd.
(J) Quantification of colocalization between VSR2;1-GFP and Aleu-mRFP in all endosomes that contain VSR2;1-GFP (n = 180 endosomes from 35 protoplasts). The asterisk designates a significant difference between genotypes at P ≤ 0.05. Errors bars indicate sd.