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. 2015 Feb 1;15(3):1–45.

Table 3:

Characteristics of Studies Comparing Urgent Care for Transient Ischemic Attack and Conventional Care or Predicted Rate

Author, Year Country Study Design Number of Patients Age, Years Follow-Up, Months
Rothwell et al, 2007 (15) United Kingdom Prospective cohort (Comparative) 591
Phase 1: 310
Phase 2: 281
In both phases, 67% of patients were < 80 years old 3
Wu et al, 2009 (16) Canada (Alberta) Retrospective cohort (Comparative) 581
Rapid evaluation: 189
Standard care: 392
Rapid evaluation unit: Mean, 67.5 (range, 14–93)
Standard care: Mean, 71 (range, 19–98)
Wasserman et al, 2010 (17) Canada (Ontario) Prospective cohort (Single arm) 982 Mean, 67 (range, 19–97) 3
Olivot et al, 2011 (18) United States Prospective cohort (Single-arm study of ED-based TIA triage system) 224
TIA clinic: 157
Hospitalized: 67
TIA clinic: Mean, 67 (SD, 16)
Hospitalized: Mean, 71 (SD, 15)
Lavellee et al, 2007 (13) France Prospective cohort (Single arm) 1,085 TIA with no new lesion: Median, 66.1 (IQR, 51.5–80.7)
TIA with new lesion: Median, 65.8 (IQR, 51.2–80.4)
Possible TIA: Median, 57.3 (IQR, 41.4–73.2)
MIS: Median, 68.3 (IQR, 53.6–83)
Other: Median, 53 (IQR, 35.8–70.2)
von Weitzel-Mudersbach et al, 2011 (14) Denmark Prospective cohort (Single arm) 306 Median, 65.8 (range, 19–93) 12
Torres Macho et al, 2011 (19) Spain Prospective cohort (Single arm) 97 Mean, 72.5 (SD, 9.1) 3
Horer et al. 2011 (20) Germany Prospective cohort (Single arm) 123 Mean, 59 (SD, 17.2) 3

Abbreviations: ED, emergency department; IQR, interquartile range; MIS, minor ischemic stroke; SD, standard deviation; TIA, transient ischemia attack.