Table 3.
Mean drug-sensitive and multidrug-resistant tuberculosis provider treatment costs according to country income groupa
Income group | Hospitalisation | Outpatient visits | Drugs | Diagnostic and monitoring tests | Otherb | Totalc | SDd |
DS-TB | |||||||
HIC (n = 19) | 11,283 (8) | 1471 (5) | 1392 (6) | 961 (7) | 3413 (5) | 14,659 (19) | 13,594 |
UMIC (n = 19) | 380 (5) | 218 (10) | 107 (14) | 69 (11) | 386 (9) | 840 (19) | 1105 |
LMIC (n = 10) | 215 (4) | 75 (6) | 39 (6) | 48 (8) | 25 (5) | 273 (10) | 212 |
LIC (n = 11) | 128 (2) | 61 (5) | 49 (8) | 19 (3) | 50 (8) | 258 (11) | 352 |
All income groups (papers = 58e) | 4909 (19) | 396 (26) | 329 (32) | 453 (26) | 744 (27) | 6667 (59) | 10,105 |
Proportion, % | 73.6 | 5.9 | 4.6 | 4.1 | 11.7 | 99.9 | |
MDR-TB | |||||||
HIC (n = 10) | 53,078 (10) | 18,720 (7) | 19,887 (8) | 1201 (6) | 1841 (3) | 83,365 (10) | 64,825 |
UMIC (n = 7) | 6056 (2) | 622 (3) | 2052 (6) | 350 (5) | 823 (5) | 5284 (7) | 3420 |
LMIC (n = 1) | 207 (1) | 218 (1) | 2930 (1) | 397 (1) | 52,567 (1) | 6313 (1) | NA |
LIC (n = 1) | NI | NI | NI | NI | NI | 1218 (1) | NA |
All income groups (papers = 18f) | 41,776 (13) | 12,102 (11) | 11,623 (15) | 779 (12) | 1356 (9) | 46219 (19) | 61,027 |
Proportion, % | 61.8 | 17.9 | 17.2 | 1.2 | 2.0 | 100.1 |
Data are presented as US$, year 2014 values (number) unless otherwise indicated
DS drug susceptible, HIC high-income country, LIC low-income country, LMIC lower-middle income country, MDR multidrug-resistant, NA not applicable, NI cost not itemised, TB tuberculosis, UMIC upper-middle income country
aThese are shown for each study in the Electronic Supplementary Material (Online Resources 4–7)
bOther provider costs include start-up costs, treatment supervision, staff salary and training, advocacy, adverse effects, contact tracing, supplies and transportation; or in some papers, where costs were not disaggregated, the total treatment costs to the provider, including supervision, training, supplies and drugs
cTotal ≠ sum of categories because some papers did not itemise costs and only reported total costs
dVassall et al. [46] (2002) presented two LMIC studies (Egypt and Syria) in one paper
eFloyd et al. [55] (2012) presented two HIC studies (Estonia and Russia) in one paper
fStandard deviation for total mean provider treatment costs