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. 2015 Feb 21;11(5):1302–1315. doi: 10.1007/s11306-015-0789-4

Table 1.

A table of altered metabolites identified in mussels from site LMMB1 in comparison to the reference site (LMMB5)

Metabolites Changesa Analysisb Bucketc (ppm) p valued (FDR Corr) Metabolic pathways
Amino Acids
 Arg U/M 1.658 3.16E11 Amino acid metabolism, urea cycle, Phosphagen biosynthesis
 Gly U/M 3.563 2.94E04 Amino acid metabolism, osmotic regulation, GSH metabolism
 Leu U/M 0.953 6.30E06 Amino acid metabolism
 Gln U/M 2.468 3.32E07 Amino acid metabolism, purine metabolism,
 Glu U 2.343 1.03E05 Amino acid metabolism, purine metabolism
 His U 8.003 6.76E07 Amino acid metabolism
 Phe U 7.443 7.62E10 Amino acid metabolism
 Tyr U 6.903 5.50E04 Amino acid metabolism
 Sarcosine U/M 2.728 6.03E07 Amino acid metabolism, osmotic regulation
 Ornithine U/M 1.938 1.87E10 Amino acid metabolism, urea cycle,
 ATP/ADP M 8.548 4.89E−01 Purine metabolism
 Adenosine U/M 8.358 1.32E03 Purine metabolism
 AMP M 9.613 1.52E−01 Purine metabolism
 NADH U/M 8.248 1.07E03
 Uridine U 7.873 1.89E07 Pyrimidine metabolism
 UDP-N-acetylglucosamine U 7.953 6.48E07
 Glycogen M 5.418 4.17E−01
Osmolytes/organic compounds
 Betaine U/M 3.273 8.67E12 Amino acid metabolism, osmotic regulation
 Trimethylamine U/M 2.878 1.24E02
 Putrescine U/M 3.053 1.40E03 Polyamine biosynthesis
 Choline U/M 3.208 8.02E04 Glycerophospholipid metabolism
 Glycerophosphocholine U/M 3.223 2.68E08 Glycerophospholipid metabolism
 Phosphocholine U/M 3.228 1.67E07 Glycerophospholipid metabolism
 Methyl-4-aminobutyrate U/M 1.973 2.35E04
 Unknown B U/M 1.258 3.03E06
 Unknown C U/M 3.118 8.60E03

Significant changes are shown in bold

aThe symbol ↑ indicates increased levels at the LMMB1 site compared to the reference site (LMMB5)

bThe type of statistical analysis used to identify the altered metabolites U—univariate and M—multivariate analysis

cThe chemical shift of the bucket used for the p value calculation

dThe FDR corrected alpha value for the corresponding buckets