Fig. 1.
Characterization of TiO2 NPs. a Representative TEM image of the TiO2 NPs (magnification 40.000 x) and size distribution histogram. More than 400 NPs were measured randomly on several micrographs. The average diameter was 21.5 nm and the standard deviation 7.2. b Size distribution by intensity obtained by DLS for TiO2 NPs suspended in water (grey) or in saline buffer (black). Vigorous vortexing was the only treatment of the suspensions and measurement conditions were optimized resulting in a fixed lens position at 4.65 mm and a concentration of 25 μg/mL. Mean hydrodynamic radius were 163.5 ± 12.6 and 520.9 ± 41.7 nm for water and saline buffer respectively