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. 2015 Jul 21;29(9):1832–1838. doi: 10.1038/leu.2015.168

Table 3. Clinically relevant on-treatment events, reasons for discontinuation and current status in patients with mutations in DASISION.

  Dasatinib 100 mg once daily, n=17 Imatinib 400 mg once daily, n=18
Clinically relevant on-treatment events, na 14 16
 No MMR within 12 months 12 16
 No cCCyR within 12 months 8 12
 Loss of CCyR 6 4
 Fivefold BCR-ABL1 increase with loss of MMR 2 1
Discontinued treatment, n 14 14
 Protocol-defined disease progression 11 8
  Lost MCyR 4 4
  Transformed to AP/BP 4 3
  Lost CHR 1 1
  Increased WBC count 1
  Death 1
 Treatment failure 1 4
  No PCyR, 12 months 2
  No CCyR, 18 months 1 2
 Other 2b 2c
Patient status (4-year minimum follow-up), n
 Off treatment 14 14
  Alive 8 10
  Dead 6 4
 On treatment 3 4
  % Mutation detected at trigger plus molecular response at last analysis 90% G250Ed; 0.02% BCR-ABL1IS 80% F359Id; 1.03% BCR-ABL1IS
  40% T315Id; 0.039% BCR-ABL1IS 100% G250Ed; 11.3% BCR-ABL1IS
  80% T315Id; 0.013% BCR-ABL1IS 90% G250Ed; 7.7% BCR-ABL1IS
    20% F359Vd; 20.5% BCR- ABL1IS

Abbreviations: AP/BP, accelerated phase/blast phase; cCCyR, confirmed complete cytogenetic response; CCyR, complete cytogenetic response; CHR, complete hematologic response; DASISION, Dasatinib versus Imatinib Study in Treatment-Naive CML-CP; IS, international scale; MMR, major molecular response; MCyR, major cytogenetic response; PCyR, partial cytogenetic response; WBC, white blood cell.


Patients may have had multiple events.


One no CyR, one lost CCyR.


One poor/noncompliance, one patient request.


Estimated percentage of the mutation quantified in the sample.