Figure 2. TASK-2 and GPR4 are proton detectors in RTN neurons required for CO2 stimulation of breathing.
(A) Schematic of RTN neuron showing ionic mechanisms for intrinsic pH sensitivity and transmitter modulation. (B) Firing rate histogram from GFP-expressing, dissociated RTN neuron. (C) Left: Staining for β-galactosidase (β-gal; from the TASK-2 locus) in embryo whole mounts from the indicated genotypes; arrowheads indicate RTN region. Right: β-gal staining for TASK-2 (upper) and GFP and TH (lower) in Phox2b::GFP;TASK-2+/− mice; white arrowheads indicate Phox2b-expressing RTN neurons that also express TASK-2. (D) Averaged firing rates at different bath pH for RTN neurons from TASK-2+/+ and TASK-2−/− mice. (E) GPR4 and Phox2b expression detected by in situ hybridization in transverse mouse brainstem section. (F) Left: Respiratory flow recording from GPR4+/+ and GPR4−/− mice with increased inspired CO2 concentrations (balance O2). Right: Lentiviral-mediated, PRSx8-driven re-expression in the RTN of GPR4, but not a non-functional mutant GPR4(R117A), fully rescued ventilatory response to CO2 in GPR4-deleted mice. Shaded areas are 95% confidence intervals for GPR4+/+ (blue) or GPR4−/− mice before lentiviral injection (pink). (G) Multiplex in situ hybridization illustrates differential, but overlapping, expression of GPR4 and TASK-2 in Phox2b-expressing RTN neurons; TASK-2-expressing Phox2b+ neurons without GPR4 are indicated (asterisks). (H) Percent of pH-sensitive and pH-insensitive RTN neurons recorded from mice of the indicated genotypes. (I) Ventilation during incremental CO2 challenge for the indicated genotypes. †, all controls (TASK-2+/+, light blue; GPR4+/+, light pink; and TASK-2+/+:GPR4+/+, light green) greater than single (TASK-2−/−, blue; and GPR4−/−, red) or double knockouts (TASK-2−/−:GPR4−/−, green); *, both single knockouts greater than double knockouts. Panel B adapted from (Wang et al., 2013b); panel C (left) from (Gestreau et al., 2010); panels C (right) & D from (Wang et al., 2013a), and panels E–I from (Kumar et al., 2015).