Fig. 3.
Quantitative re-testing of selected EDI collection xenobiotics for inhibition of XET activity. From the EDI collection, 27 XET dot-blot hits (Fig. 2) plus 47 chemicals that had inhibited various cell-wall glycosidase activities (data not shown) were re-screened for effects in the radiochemical XET assay. Two ‘samples’ were DMSO-only controls (dashed lines; ‘C’). The compounds’ previous behaviour in the dot-blots is summarised by symbols above the relevant bar. (a) All compounds mentioned, samples listed along the x-axis in order of XET activity. (b) Selected compounds for second re-testing; samples are listed in the same order as in (a), omitting those indicated by ‘x’ (x21, x22, etc.). Each value is the mean of two assays. Detailed data on the compounds tested, with cross-references to the dot-blot wells shown in Fig. 2, are given in Table S1. Red boxes highlight compounds that are appreciably inhibitory. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)