Table 1.
Forms of depending on the covariates in and linearity or smoothness in these covariates (rows), and on whether the effect is constant or varying over t (columns). For scalar categorical covariates, synthetic scalar covariates in effect or reference category coding are created. Note that effects can become interaction effects if additionally contains such scalar categorical covariates. For example, we estimate group-specific effects of the functional covariates for MS patients and healthy controls in our DTI application.
constant over t | varying over t | |
∅ (no covariates) | scalar intercept α | functional intercept α(t) |
functional covariate x(s) | linear functional effect | linear functional effect |
smooth functional effect | smooth functional effect | |
scalar covariate z | linear effect zδ | functional linear effect zδ(t) |
smooth effect γ(z) | smooth effect γ(z, t) | |
vector of scalar covariates z | interaction effect z1z2δ | functional interaction effect z1z2δ (t) |
varying coefficient z1δ(z2) | functional varying coefficient z1δ(z2, t) | |
smooth effect γ(z) | smooth effect γ(z,t) | |
grouping variable g | random intercept bg | functional random intercept bg(t) |
grouping variable g and scalar covariate z | random slope zbg | functional random slope zbg(t) |