Nuclear Localization of Pi04089 Is Necessary to Promote P. infestans Colonization.
(A) Images are confocal projections of N. benthamiana leaf epidermal cells transiently expressing the GFP-Pi04089 and the modified NESGFP-Pi04089, showing the reduction in nuclear fluorescence resulting from the addition of the nuclear export signal. Insets are magnified single optical sections of the cell nuclei, revealing that fluorescence associated with the nucleus in the stacked projection is primarily in cytoplasm surrounding the nucleus. Scale bar represents 20 μm.
(B) Graph shows a significant decrease (p < 0.001 by analysis of variance [ANOVA, as indicated by lowercase letters]) in mean diameter of P. infestans lesions following Agrobacterium-mediated expression of NESGFP-Pi04089 compared with the expression of GFP-Pi04089. Error bars are SE, and the graph represents the combined data from three biological reps (n = 142 per construct).