Pi04089 Interacts with a Potato Predicted KH RNA-Binding Protein in Y2H and In Planta.
(A) Yeasts co-expressing the StKRBP1 with Pi04089 grow on -histidine (-HIS) medium and have β-galactosidase (B-gal) activity, whereas yeasts co-expressing SFI3 or empty vector (Empty) do not.
(B) Co-immunoprecipitation from leaf extracts using GFP-trap (GFP IP) confirmed that StKRBP1 specifically interacted with Pi04089 and not with SFI3. Expression of constructs is indicated by plus signs. Effector protein fusion bands are indicated by asterisks. Protein size markers are indicated in kDa, and protein loading is indicated by Ponceau stain.