Figure 4.
Summary of studies examining upper airway collapsibility (critical closing pressure, PCRIT) in normal individuals and obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) patients. Mean PCRIT (± standard deviation) in non-apneic controls (open squares) and apneic subjects (closed squares) are plotted. PCRIT is elevated in sleep apnea patients compared to normal controls. Furthermore, these studies demonstrate minimal overlap of PCRIT between disease and health, suggesting that an elevated PCRIT is both sensitive and specific for OSA. Source studies, as indicated by enclosed numbers, are: 1. Meurice et al., 1996 (37); 2. Meurice et al., 1996 (36); 3. Issa & Sullivan, 1984 (30); 4. Gold et al., 2002 (33); 5. Philip-Joet et al., 1996 (38); 6. Schwartz et al., 1988 (27); 7. Smith et al., 1988 (28); 8. Ng et al., 2003 (39); 9. Kirkness et al., 2003 (34); 10. Farre et al., 2003 (40); 11. Series et al., 1996 (42); 12. Gold et al., 2002 (33); 13. Sforza et al., 2000 (32); 14. Sforza et al., 1999 (31); 15. Issa & Sullivan, 1984 (30). Adapted from Pack, 2009 (41).