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. 2015 Jul 7;8(8):807–820. doi: 10.1111/eva.12260

Figure 1.

Figure 1

Phylogeny of Cotesia sesamiae individuals and relatives based on concatenated mtDNA of 3 genes (CO1, 16S, and NADH) and nDNA of a nonviral (LWRH) and two viral genes (EP2 and histone) in relation to host insect and host plant species matrix. See Materials and methods for substitution model selection with PartitionFinder and phylogenetic tree inference in Mr Bayes. Posterior probabilities are given at nodes. All samples have a reference code corresponding to the data bank of the Laboratoire Evolution, Génomes, Comportement et Ecologie. Insect family: Cr, Crambidae; No, Noctuidae. Plant family: Po, Poaceae; Ty, Typhaceae; Cy, Cyperaceae.