Strains used in this work
Strain | Origin | Characteristics |
S. clavuligerus ATCC 27064 | ATCC | Wild-type strain. Produces cephamycin C and clavulanic acid. Does not produce holomycin. Carries standard copy no. of plasmids pSCL2 and pSCL4. |
S. clavuligerus ΔclaR::aac | This work | Clavulanic acid nonproducer, holomycin producer, apramycin-resistant strain. Standard copy no. of pSCL2 and pSCL4. |
S. clavuligerus claR::aph | Fuente et al., 2002 (16) | Clavulanic acid nonproducer, holomycin producer strain. Low copy no. of pSCL2 and pSCL4. Obtained by transformation of protoplasts. Renamed S. clavuligerus claR::aph pSCLlow |
S. clavuligerus oppA2::aph pSCLlow | Lorenzana et al., 2004 (32); Álvarez-Álvarez et al., 2014 (21) | Clavulanic acid nonproducer, holomycin producer strain. Kanamycin resistant. Low copy no. of pSCL2 and pSCL4. No sporulating strain. Used in qPCR as low plasmid copy no. control strain. |
S. clavuligerus ΔclaR::aac(pMS83-claR) | This work | Clavulanic acid producer, holomycin nonproducer, apramycin- and hygromycin-resistant strain. Standard copy no. of pSCL2 and pSCL4. Sporulating strain. |
S. clavuligerus ΔclaR::aac(pMS83) | This work | Clavulanic acid nonproducer, holomycin producer, apramycin- and hygromycin-resistant strain. Standard copy no. of pSCL2 and pSCL4. |