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. 2015 Sep 4;81(19):6637–6648. doi: 10.1128/AEM.00916-15


Strains used in this work

Strain Origin Characteristics
S. clavuligerus ATCC 27064 ATCC Wild-type strain. Produces cephamycin C and clavulanic acid. Does not produce holomycin. Carries standard copy no. of plasmids pSCL2 and pSCL4.
S. clavuligerus ΔclaR::aac This work Clavulanic acid nonproducer, holomycin producer, apramycin-resistant strain. Standard copy no. of pSCL2 and pSCL4.
S. clavuligerus claR::aph Fuente et al., 2002 (16) Clavulanic acid nonproducer, holomycin producer strain. Low copy no. of pSCL2 and pSCL4. Obtained by transformation of protoplasts. Renamed S. clavuligerus claR::aph pSCLlow
S. clavuligerus oppA2::aph pSCLlow Lorenzana et al., 2004 (32); Álvarez-Álvarez et al., 2014 (21) Clavulanic acid nonproducer, holomycin producer strain. Kanamycin resistant. Low copy no. of pSCL2 and pSCL4. No sporulating strain. Used in qPCR as low plasmid copy no. control strain.
S. clavuligerus ΔclaR::aac(pMS83-claR) This work Clavulanic acid producer, holomycin nonproducer, apramycin- and hygromycin-resistant strain. Standard copy no. of pSCL2 and pSCL4. Sporulating strain.
S. clavuligerus ΔclaR::aac(pMS83) This work Clavulanic acid nonproducer, holomycin producer, apramycin- and hygromycin-resistant strain. Standard copy no. of pSCL2 and pSCL4.