Fig. 2.
Time course and recovery of pro-inflammatory mediator expression. a Primary astrocyte-rich cultures from littermate Tlr4 +/+ and Tlr4 −/− mice were treated for 1 h with 1.0 µg/ml LPS (as positive control) or 0.7 µM αSYN, after which the cells were allowed to recover in growth media for 1, 4 or 23 h. Parallel cultures were continuously treated with 1.0 µg/ml LPS or 0.7 µM αSYN for 2, 5 or 24 h. Control cells were left untreated (-). Total RNA was isolated and semi-quantitative PCR was performed as in Fig. 1a. Images representative for 4–5 independent cultures are shown. b RT-PCR band quantifications were done as described for Fig. 1b. Error bars indicate standard deviation, #p < 0.05 compared to untreated samples (ANOVA Fisher’s PLSD), *p < 0.05 compared to Tlr4 −/− (Student’s t test)