Figure 2.
(A) The interaction graph of an example network where each fi is the disjunction of its inputs (e.g., f 6 = v5 + v4) except for v1 which is inhibited by v2 ( ). (B) The condensation graph (Z, ▹) with the unique top layer node {v1 v2}. (C) The corresponding minimal autonomous set W. The restriction (W, F|W) is trap-space-free. (D) To extend W, we compute the graph (Z′, ▹), which is obtained from (Z, ▹) by removing the node that intersects W. The new top layer node is Y : = {v5, v6}. (E) The extended autonomous set W ′ is obtained by considering Above(Y) in the interaction graph. It has a minimal trap space p that is defined by fixing v5 and v6 to 1.